Sipcam Nichino launches biostimulants platform recommended for several Brazilian crops

2022/03/15 14:45

Four Sipcam Nichino biostimulants, one of them being launched, are now part of a new technological platform, with particular recommendations for various agricultural crops.

According to the company, it is a high technology resource for increasing the productive potential of crops from planting to harvesting. The launch of the company's Biostimulant Platform will take place next May.

Three products from the platform are already sold individually in Brazil and successfully applied in dozens of cultures, for the past few years. They are Abyss®, Blackjak® and Nutex® Premium. The Stilo® Verde brand will also be added to this portfolio in May.

“The company's Research & Development area, with the support of consultants, studied in depth the alternate, sequential or complementary application, involving the four products of the platform, in the different vegetative stages of the crops,” summarized the agronomist Fabiano Meyer, from Sipcam Nichino, a specialist in market development and biostimulants and herbicide products.

“From a general point of view, the Biostimulants Platform reduces the stress of plants in the face of adverse weather conditions. It also activates crop defense systems, increases the uptake of nutrients and water by crops and encourages increased productivity and profitability of properties,” he added.

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According to Meyer, in all the crops researched in the field, there was high root development, improvement in the architecture and development of the aerial part of plants, greater fixation of pods and fruits and also the establishment of healthier crops.

“Specifically in soybeans, there was an increase in the number of pods and the harvest of heavier grains. In corn, in addition to the grain robustness, the ears exceeded the size of the standard treatment. In the sugarcane areas, we found greater development of the aerial part of the plant and gains in the TCH indicator (tons of sugarcane per hectare). In coffee growing, heavier grains and records of greater fruit set were obtained,” Meyer explained.

The Sipcam Nichino agronomist also emphasized that all the products of the Biostimulants Platform showed, in the field studies, synergy and compatibility with other chemical matrix inputs, such as fungicides used in the control of important diseases.

