Brazil bans use of carbendazim fungicide

2022/08/15 11:55

The Brazilian National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) decided to ban the use of the fungicide, carbendazim.

After the completion of a toxicological reassessment of the active ingredient, the decision was taken unanimously in a Resolution of the Collegiate Board of Directors (RDC).

However, the banning of the product will be done gradually, since the fungicide is one of the 20 pesticides most used by Brazilian farmers, being applied in plantations of beans, rice, soybeans and other crops.

Based on the Agrofit system of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA), there are currently 41 products formulated based on this active ingredient registered in Brazil.

According to a report by the director of Anvisa, Alex Machado Campos, and a specialist in health regulation and surveillance, Daniel Coradi, there is ″evidence of carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity″ caused by carbendazim.

According to the document from the health surveillance agency, ″it was not possible to find a safe dose threshold for the population concerning mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity.″

To prevent the immediate ban from damaging the environment, due to the burning or improper disposal of products already purchased by producers, Anvisa chose to implement the gradual elimination of agrochemicals containing carbendazim.

The importation of both the technical and formulated product will be prohibited immediately, and the ban on the production of the formulated version will take effect within three months.

The prohibition of the product’s commercialization will start within six months, counted from the publication of the decision in the Official Gazette, which should occur in the next few days.

Anvisa will also provide a grace period of 12 months for the start of the export ban on these products.

″Remembering that carbendazim is valid for two years, proper disposal must be implemented within 14 months,″ Coradi stressed.

Anvisa recorded 72 notifications of exposure to the product between 2008 and 2018, and presented assessments made through the water quality monitoring system (Sisagua) of the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

(Editing by Leonardo Gottems, reporter for AgroPages)